

The Breathings of my Heart



India’s Daughter

Watching India's daughter was hard...Cuz that horrible truth was there staring back at me with cruel eyes... "You too are born in India... You are also India's daughter" Well, for those who haven't yet watched it.. Here is the message... Continue Reading →

Empty Cages

She will be free, perched on some faraway branch enjoying the night sky. Perhaps she might spot a constellation that reminds her of a distant past


This photograph is titled 'Grope'. I found the picture from a post shared by a friend.…/ My eyes were quite fixated upon this one picture and there were a flood of other images that popped up in my mental... Continue Reading →

Freedom... Your lips utter powerful words woman... The society is trembling at the consequences... Empty cages are gathering rust everywhere... Look what you've done woman... Is it not wonderful? So beautiful?

Justice to the Raped

What is justice for a rape victim? I wonder... Jailing the rapists and awarding them a death sentence? What good does that do when the society looks upon women as an impure lowly creature? What good does it do when... Continue Reading →

Filthy Red?

Red... so intense... so vibrant... so fierce... so beautiful... I wonder why he did not like my red though. I was lucky to marry my first love. We survived all the bloody battles associated with hearts desperately in love with... Continue Reading →

Unwelcome Red

"Am I going to die Ami?" "No beta... You just grew up into a big girl." "But... Ami... I'm still the shortest girl in class and this hurts." "Ahhh..." I still remember those pleading eyes of my Ami begging me... Continue Reading →

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